
Murti Dharshan


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Self Crystalisation by Balyogi Premvarni









Because the female and male energies
in men and women are not in balance
this creates an attraction in the physical body
for the opposite sex...
If you are able to circulate your energy (Shakti) in a circle,
you will not need another woman or another man...
because your own female will meet and merge with your own male
and you will be the Whole and to be Whole is holy...
this is Crystalisation...
all the energies of Heaven and Earth,
light and dark, positive and negative are crystallized...
This openness is ownness!!!
This is the Mystery of consciousness!!!
This is where Shakti meets Shiva!!!
Otherwise, one remains a man, one remains a woman
and both are constantly creating attraction for one another.
When the male within and the female within come into equal
balance, ...and samadhi is attained, ...
it is openness in Oneness!!!
Just Being in Oneness with no attraction or repulsion...
...neither man nor woman enter into your consciousness...
Harmony between the Macrocosm and Microcosm, ...
the outer and the inner,
...Shakti and shiva...
...Complete Union and Self satisfaction...